Thursday, May 11, 2017

Top ten books about psychoanalysis

Philippe Van Haute and Herman Westerink wrote the introduction to a new edition of Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality by Sigmund Freud. One of their ten top books about psychoanalysis, as shared at the Guardian:
The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner

Because of its stream-of-consciousness narration, this novel is linked to a literary era – much indebted to Freud – in which characters’ inner lives were given intense attention. Conscious thoughts appear to grow out of fantasies, ideas, memories and perceptions. Faulkner’s brilliant story centres on the dynamics between three brothers, the mentally damaged Benjy, the cynical and depressed Quentin and the sardonic Jason. Through their minds we witness the slow but inevitable dissolution – over the course of some 30 years – of the southern aristocratic Compson family.
Read about the other books on the list.

The Sound and the Fury is among Jeff Somers's five greatest, dumbest characters in literature, James Runcie's top ten books about brothers, and Mario Batali's five great American books.

--Marshal Zeringue